Buying A Vehicle Should Be Fun And Stress Free !! So Too Should Getting Approved For One !!

No obligation to purchase, full disclosure of all options from the lenders approvals and most importantly people working with your best interests in mind. All obligation and stress free !! Where else can you go and get that commitment in this industry.

Financing a vehicle is the most affordable way to eventually own one and achieve a better stance in today’s credit world. I believe the issues are with those who take advantage of people in need of reliable transportation and bury them with negative equity and make a “NOW” commitment necessary to divulge information. That folks is not fun nor funny and is most definetly not stress free. My name is Steven Shannon and I will commit to all my clients to show them the best offering today, only the protection for the term necessary and not one day longer and the best road map for future purchases. All of this without you signing a Bill of Sale. As a matter of fact I will print it for you to take home and think it through. At Shannon Motors we know there is a tomorrow and if we have done our job you will come back to us and hopefully tell your family and friends.

Regardless of your credit history–good or bad–you can qualify for a loan. First-time buyers, no credit history, bad credit history, all our clients receive the same “Service Excellence”.and if we know of a better offering elsewhere we are committed to getting you there. Truth with Empathy is the worst you will find here at Shannon Motors and if you are nervous or embarrassed about how your credit may look ? Come have a good cup of coffee with us and you will see there is nothing that can’t be overcome or a plan set in motion in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

The application process takes only a moment. We ask that you fill out our application form, and you can be sure that any information you share with us will remain absolutely confidential.

Should you have concerns about your privacy, we encourage you to read our Privacy Policy.

If you’d prefer, and we would certainly enjoy meeting you, come in and sit down with us! We welcome you to our dealership at your convenience.

Thank you,

Contact Us


1400 Alberni Hwy Unit #32,
Parksville, BC
V9P 2N6

Sales: 250-954-1332

Hours of Operation

Monday 8:00 AM to Close
Tuesday 8:00 AM to Close
Wednesday 8:00 AM to Close
Thursday 8:00 AM to Close
Friday 8:00 AM to Close
Saturday 9:00 AM to Close
 Vehicle demonstration by appointment.